New greenie inspiration

I found these recipe´s on Pinterest.
Absolutely loved them and definately want to try them

Enjoy the silence?

I am so sorry for not writing anything new in a couple of days.
The weekend was quite busy and work is pretty busy, too these days.
I promise I will make up for it!
Love you

My daily dose

Here´s what I get through i terms of fruit and veggie in an average day. Obviously I am not having exactly the same stuff seven days a week, but I try to get my portion of leafy greens from my green smoothie concoction, right now I am having a 2 banana´s peanutbutter, cinnamon tortilla wrap for lunch and an enormous portion of steamed or cooked veggie for dinner. The remaining fruit are distributed between the smoothie and as snacks in between.

For anybody who would think that eating a plant based diet means that you have to be hungry all the time, I hope this gives you an understanding why that is not the case.
Have a lovely evening everyone

Stuff I see in shop-windows #2

Yes autumn is here and along comes the very feminine urge to change wardrobe and shoes. I saw these in a window last week and I was so so so tempted. However whenever I am getting interested in something, I give myself a week to think about it and if I still want it after one weeks´time, I go and look at it again. If I then still want it, I go for it. So let´s see how I think about these tomorrow...
Have a NICE Friday everyone. I love you

Friday greenie accident

Oh really, is it going to be one of those days?

Jawbone tells me I need more sleep

Do you use a stepcounter or an app to monitor your activity?
There are so many of them out there now, it would be hard to pick one if I had to.
At home we have the fitbit system, which consists of a scale that allegedly monitors your body composition (ie. lean mass, fat and weight) and an online portal that helps you track your weight, activity and food intake.
I don´t have the portable device that goes along with it though. And I have to tell you that I tend to refer to the scale as "fit-bitch" instead of fitbit. I am leaving it to your own imagination as to why that is.
I also own a Jawbown-up. Which I absolutely love apart from the fact that it is frickin´ugly and I really need to do something about it.
Something that I think is really handy is the fact that the Jawbone measures sleep activity, almost the same way as the sleepcycle app. (Have you tried it? If not, I really recommend it! Such a nice way to wake up and also monitor your sleeping patterns)
I have been using the sleep monitor for a while now and it turns out that I on average do sleep 2 hours too little.
So I have given it a try and systematically gone to bed earlier this week.
I haven´t managed to sleep a full 8 hours every night yet, but I have made it to 7-7.5 hours for the past few nights. I have to tell you I am amazed how big the difference is that I am feeling already.
Getting up is so much easier. I feel much more energized during the day. I am less irritable and can deal with stress much better. I will definately try to up the sleeping hours to 8 next week.
Or is it maybe the lemonwater that´s doing the miracle?
Whatever the result of this lifestyle improvement measure, I´ll let you know the outcome of it!
In the meantime have a NICE day- Love you

Soundtrack of my life #3


Lemon-water experiment day 5 update

So today was my 5th day with lemon-water first thing in the morning.

Here´s what I have found so far:

  1. As a matter of fact lemon-water does taste really nice. It´s been five days, and I can absolutely see myself integrating having a lemon freshly squeezed with warm water into my daily routine.
  2. The first three days I felt hungry earlier than usual during the morning than what I would normally do. BUT, normally I would start the day by drinking up to 1L pure water without lemon juice, which I assume would have contributed to the feeling of satiation.
  3. I had some breakouts after two days of lemonwater, which I usually do not have problems with. However, I am not a follower of the belief that change of food/drink intake can affect the clearness of your skin within a matter of days. The only change I believe becomes visible sort of immediately is the drinking of water which would have an immediate effect of the hydration/plumpness of all cells in the body. Which by the way is really the foundation of all anti-aging/beauty enhancing attempts. Drinking enough water is so vital to every system in the body, I cannot emphasize this fact enough. I might actually come back to this topic and write a longer post about it.
  4. An indirect benefit of using lots of lemons is that one ends up with lots of sqeezed lemon peels. And those are a fantastic addition to my daily beauty routine.
     And here is why: Lemon (Latin name: Citrus Limon) contains lots of citric acid (makes sort of sense thinking about the name). Citric acid is what chemists would call an alhpa-hydroxy-acid, or AHA. (I might write a separate poste about this as well) AHA´s have been very popular in the cosmetic world as so called chemical peels. The reason for this is the fact that AHA´s have the power to hydrolyze (chemically breake) the bonds that hold our skin cells connected togetgher. I am making extra use of my squeezed lemon peels by using them as a scrub for my feet, knees and elbows, where they mildly support my use of pumice or scrubs and leave the skin soft and naturally peeled.
I am not posting  a picture of my own feet here, the picture up there is stolen from the internet. As I have been dancing for the better part of my life, I have incredibly ugly feet.
I don´t know if you knew that, but dancers have really horrible feet in many cases. Well let´s say at least for my part it´s not a myth and I am sparing you that sight.
So far for my first five days of lemon water- I will keep you posted.
Have a NICE day- Love you!

Soundtrack of my life #2


Greenie time after today´s workout

I´ve been to the gym, working on my daily cardio.
Usually I would try t do an utter minimum of 30 minutes of any kind of cardio-aerobic training every day.
This morning I did some cross-training elliptical machine for about 20 minutes while listening to an audio-book followed by a 45 minute run on the treadmill.
I had my greenie for today prepared and used it all together (yep all 1.5 L) as post exercise/rehydration/mid morning snack.
Today´s recipe:
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Arugula
  • Romain lettuce
  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Avocado
  • Topped up with water

Stuff I see in shop-windows #1

I might have to go and get one of these!
Somehow I do have a fascination for cutting-boards.
I guess it comes with eating lots of vegetables and fruit: I spend so much time staring at my fingers, greens and knives while preparing my food, I somehow seem to want to have a nice background for it.
At the same time I absolutely love pin-up art, and anything 50´s style.
I used to have an apartment when I was a student that was plastered with 50´s pinup postcards, posters, nic-nacs, you name it- I had it. When I was younger I was listening to a lot of boogie-woogie music and was dreaming of living in the 50´s.
This little item reminds me of that time.
Yeah- I think I might treat myself to one of these...NICE

Lemonwater experiment

I have resisted the idea for a number of years now: Drinking warm lemon water first thing in the morning.
The sheer fact that people were stating it would "boost their metabolism" totally put me off. You might notice, I am not a big believer of things that claim to be "boosting your metabolism".
There are a few things that I would agree have a scientific backup that would allow statements that are in the line of increasing metabolic functions such as beta oxidation of fatty acids (fat-burning that is).
Green tea catechins would be among those.Rick Hursel and Margriet Westerterp have published a good article on this in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
 Am J Clin Nutr 2013; 98 (suppl):1982S-93S is the reference if any of you is interested in giving it a deeper read.
But lemon water has not been on the list of things that I would believe in in any way.
However having had the same approach for soy milk and veganism as health and well-being promoting measures to be (not) included in my lifestyle, I have been proven wrong in the past. No money in the world would bring me back to consuming dairy or meat. And the sheer reason for this being the fact that I simply feel so much better when I compose my diet this way.
Now I have heard from several people in my close social circle whom I would definately classify as sane and trustworthy that they have tried drinking warm lemon water in the morning (among them my best friend, who is not really sane, but surely one of the smartest women I know). And all of them have reported many beneficial developments in their wellbeing. Things like improved digestion, clearer skin, less fatigue and general higher energy levels made me re-think after all.
So here I am, giving the whole thing a chance.  Not being a huge fan of lemon all together I am not sure I will be able to keep this up for long, but one day at a time!
I am starting today with drinking lemon water first thing in the morning....
This will be a live experiment, and I will let you know how it goes. Wish me luck!
Have a wonderful day everyone!

Quick lunch at ICA to go

Salads....I could live off them.
All I need to be happy!
Lettuce, mixed leafy greens, chickpeas, whole grains and sundried tomatos NICE!

Greenie of the day

  • Frozen spinach
  • Apple
  • Kiwi
  • Peach
  • Lettuce
  • Rucola
  • Broccoli leftovers
  • Walnut
  • Lucuma
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Water

Today´s up-do

Don´t ask me how it happened, but this is what it looks like...

Good morning world

Yesterday I woke up with an immense sore throat. I really felt something coming. So I didn´t go work out yesterday. It does make me feel super guilty, but what is a training worth, if I subsequently have to stay at home with fever and can´t do anything? Well today I am so much better already! And I feel like it will be an amazing Friday! Have a NICE Friday!

Soundtrack of my life #1

Love you! Have a NICE evening

Meet the architect

That´s him right there in the bottom right corner of the picture that I took last weekend out in the Swedish archipelago.
I chose this foto because he is only taking a small part of the picture in case there are some of you who are not so much interested in looking at attractive Swedish men. Those of you can admire the beautiful nature.
I am such a lucky chick!
Have a NICE evening

#Innovation-nerd vol.1: Travel Jacket

New things with smart ideas behind them amaze me!
And I also love travelling!
And so does my husband, the Architect (I will introduce him to you later).
We have been on an amazing trip in the beginning of this year. As a matter of fact we were fortunate enough to be allowed by our bosses to take off an amazing entire three months.
Essentially we took an entire honeymoon-quarter after we got married in August last year.
So we decided to take a trip around the world, which was absolutely amazing.
I am sure I will annoy you guys with an awful lot of pictures from our trip on here.
Anyhow, what I wanted to share with you: This incredibly smart jacket below!
I will so make sure that we have one of these each for the next trip we take to make it even more amazing.
How cool is this, or what?

Summer summary and rainbows

In retrospect this must have been one of the rainiest summers in Sweden, I have ever experienced in my entire life.
It rained nearly every evening during the month of July. And even now after a few warm days in August the weather seems to have returned to the general theme of yes, you´ve guessed it- RAIN.
This is truly weather that I can with a good concience declare as NOT SO NICE 
But on the other side, I have never seen as many rainbows as I did this summer.
The window in our living room is facing east, so that the sun is setting behind our house. When it rains it means that in case of a sunny break a rainbow appears right outside our window.
I have collected a few rainbows during this July.
Here are a few of my favourite ones.
I do have to admit that I have a crazy obsession with rainbows or in general with the spectral distribution of light. I am actually pretty nerdy about many things. And If you haven´t noticed now, just keep reading and I am sure you´ll notice, sooner or later.
Light as a phenomenon really fascinates me. Do you know what light actually is? as a matter of fact, science doesn´t know! Even in times of the CERN experiemnt and the Higgs Boson discovery we don´t fully understand what exactly light is. I think that is absolutely amazing. Something as essential as light that we have around us every day, we need it to survive, we generate it whenever we use our smartphones, our televisions and computer screens and we have not entirely figured it totally out. How cool is that?
But what I like about light and aspecially about rainbows is that each colour represents a certain spectrum of wavelenghts that carry a distinct amount of energy. The exact wavelength of this light can be emitted from the chemical elements of the periodic system. Generally speaking the separation of white light, which is what we get when all different colored wavelengths get combined, is one of  the most pure things that exists in the universe. I think that is absolutely beautiful. I love looking at rainbows, taking pictures of them and thinking about them as this: One of the most pure and genuine things in the universe.
Good night everyone. Have a rainy but NICE evening

Dear diary

Today is Wednesday, it´s super early and I have already been to the gym.
Summer is clearly over and I can feel the urge to get back in shape, get back into healthy habits and shape up for next summer.
Luckily I enjoy the gym and exercise and movement are as important to me as an episode of daily soap is to other people.
Today I will spend my day in a whole-day meeting which will crave my entire attention. Some colleagues are flying into Stockholm for a two-day intense training session. I can already sense how these two days will require some fine energy level tuning in order not to fail in keeping up the attention.
Here´s how I am bracing myself for what´s to come:
My kickstart breakfast after the gym session this morning comprises my favorite combo: berries and chocolate. I could die for these two flavours together.
And here´s how I´ll survive during the day: Besides the (hopefully) available fruitbasket which the company I work for generously provides for us employees to take from (which I think is just super AWESOME), I´ll have about 1.5 L green smoothie made from lettuce, spinach, rucola, some walnuts, an orange, some flaxseed oil and some lucuma powder to add some nice natural sweetness.
Wish me luck! I´ll tell you later how it went. Have a NICE day